Emacs, as an iA Writer competitor this time :)
Before switching back to Linux, I had used iA writer quite often in my Macbook Air. It's an excellent product that does one thing: helping you focus on what you think. I enjoyed it a lot, although it'd save my documents to iCloud (or Dropbox), and it doesn't work in Linux.
In Linux, Emacs is my home for writing. I put all my notes in two Git repositories; one private, and one public notebook. Anything important that I can't remember is a Markdown file. It's like my mind's hard drive.
Recently, I wanted to change my Emacs configuration just for Markdown files, so I can have similar experience with iA Writer. Here is the outline of the changes that got Emacs to look like it was born to be an iA Writer competitor:
, so our changes will only apply to markdown documents.Let's look at these changes individually;
We'll define a function that will be triggered whenever we want to enable it. Here is an empty function and a hook for markdown-mode
(defun writing-mode ())
(add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook 'writing-mode)
It makes more sense to use different font family and font size for taking notes. We can use the same font with iA Writer as they open sourced their font.
Personally, I preferred a simple "Sans" font that existed in my system. If you're a Linux user, you can list the available fonts by running:
$ fc-list : family
Once you selected the font, you can set custom font family and size like in the following example:"
(defun writing-mode ()
(setq buffer-face-mode-face '(:family "dejavu sans mono" :height 150))
You might probably want to check if your changes was applied. Open a random Markdown document, enable writing-mode
and run describe-char
command to see what font is being used in the document.
I tried various modes that allows centering the content, writing-room mode worked best. We'll just enable it whenever writing-mode
is called:
(defun writing-mode ()
(setq buffer-face-mode-face '(:family "dejavu sans mono" :height 150))
(writeroom-mode 1))
On top of these general changes, I made some personal additions such as turning off line numbers, making cursor blink, etc.
Below is the final version that I came up with. (Github Copy):
(defun writing-mode ()
(setq buffer-face-mode-face '(:family "dejavu sans mono" :height 150))
(linum-mode 0)
(writeroom-mode 1)
(visual-line-mode 1)
(setq truncate-lines nil)
(setq-default line-spacing 5)
(setq global-hl-line-mode nil)
Optionally, you can tell Emacs to use markdown-mode
in *scratch*
to bring up the writing mode easily:
(setq initial-major-mode 'markdown-mode)
That's all. Feel free to share your recommendations with me by e-mail.