Software Projects

Actively working on

Kozmos—A new bookmarking service which simplifies bookmarking into a single heart button in your browser. Built with Go, Preact and Elastic Search.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to ElmA practical guide for Elm Language, its tools and ecosystem.
Happy Hacking LinuxA Linux distro made just for pragmatic software developers. It's based on Arch Linux, comes with a new installation wizard made from scratch.
KaktüsA web browser with drop-down tabbing design. Built with Electron.
Listen ParadiseI love Radio Paradise, and made many alternative clients for it. This is the last one. Front-end is Elm, backend is Go.
Afrika RadyoOnline radio station where I play music, spoken-word, and sometimes my favorite movie dialogs.

My most recent client was superhuman:

Azer is a phenomenal problem solver, and a great asset on any engineering team. He worked with us on a very high risk project, and it's now in production for all of our users.

Conrad Irwin
CTO of Superhuman

Open Source

CRUDRelational database library for Go, with simpler and familiar interface.
LoggerLogging library for Go. It groups logs into packages and levels, includes a neat timer for measuring performance.
ProvaA feature-rich testing suite for JavaScript libraries & apps.
indexeddbWell tested, low-level wrapper for IndexedDB. It can sync your DB with local/remote databases, too.
kaktüs/dbWant to create a web browser? Here is a database library for you! It can even sync remotely or locally!
notebook—My personal and public notebook. I organize my knowledge, ideas, and thoughts here.
More on Github ⟶
This is my home-office in Berlin, where I turn tea into software.


Nova TogatoropMy wife's photography portfolio, made using Flickr APIs. Front-end is React, backend is Go.
RoadBeats—Me and my wife's personal travel blog. We should add some more stories. Front-end is Choo, backend is Go.

Old / dead

Multiplayer ChessI built this app in 2011 and never maintained it. The front-end is made with tiny NPM modules, backend is Go.
FirebugI worked with the Firebug team in 2008 to create first version of Firebug Lite.
Pagos SpreadsheetsIn 2007, we built one of the first real-time, collaborative spreadsheet applications.
rainbow9A simple web based coding editor with IDE-like features. It was cool for the time I released it, early 2007.

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